Managing Hallucinations, Delusions, and Paranoia

If the Veteran you care for is experiencing hallucinations, delusions, and/or paranoia, describe the symptoms to the Veteran’s health care providers. Some symptoms may be caused by medication or an infection such as a urinary tract infection. And some symptoms can be treated with medication.


In some cases, a Veteran with dementia may be correct in their fears or concerns. Make sure to check the facts and rule out all possibilities. If the Veteran is experiencing any of these:


Do not argue with the Veteran

Calmly say what you see do not see

Offer simple explanations

Be reassuring and positive

Let the Veteran know that they are safe

Using gentle touch to help they are safe

Use gentle touch to help calm the Veteran

Distract the Veteran if possible - change the topic or move to a new environment if necessary

Paranoia or truth? Be sure you are positive there is not truth in what the Veteran is saying